Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Code::Blocks, Visual C++ and precompiled headers

C::B supports precompiled headers that are created like gcc does: compile the header into a .gch and gcc will find it if it's in the same directory as the header. Visual C++'s precompiled headers require distinct flags for creating and using the precompiled header.

Because C::B doesn't support per-file configuration, giving different options to files is impossible, unless you use the "custom build" option in the properties.

So, here's how you can use precompiled headers with Visual C++ 2005/2008. I'm assuming the names pch.cpp and pch.h.
  1. Add pch.cpp and pch.h to the project.
  2. Go in the project's build options, "Compiler settings" tab, "Other options" section, and add:
    /Yupch.h /Fp$objects_output_dir\pch.obj
    Careful: if pch.cpp is not in the same directory as the project file, you'll need to specify it manually. I usually have the project file in / and my sources in /src. Therefore, I use:
    This is because C::B creates a directory structure in $objects_out_dir that's similar to the one for source files.
  3. Right-click on pch.cpp, select "Properties". 
    1. In the "Build" tab, uncheck "Link file" and move the priority slider to 0. This makes sure the pch is compiled first.
    2. In the "Advanced" tab, check "Use custom command to build this file" and enter:
      $compiler /nologo $options $includes /c $file /Ycpch.h
It is possible to avoid entering the path by hand in /Fp by simply using $objects_output_dir. While this works fine, it breaks C::B's build system, which expects to see the object file in the right directory. Your program will still compile and link fine, but it will always try to rebuild the pch, because it's not in the right place. It will also never clean it.

This also relies on cl.exe being able to choose between /Yu (set in the build options, included through $options in the custom command)  and /Yc (set in the custom command) when both are specified, which is the case while compiling pch.cpp. This seems to work fine on both 2005 and 2008.

[edit 31-mar-2011: Ugh, there's more problems than I thought with this. The above tricks the build system into thinking that pch.obj is a regular object file. This way, it is generated and cleaned correctly. However, it is not an object file, it is a precompiled header. That's why you need to uncheck "Link file".

I realized that a pch.obj was still being generated in the root directory. This is because /Fo is not specified in the custom command. That pch.obj is the real object file generated by pch.cpp.

I now understand that Visual C++ generates two files when compiling pch.cpp: a precompiled header (pch.pch) and an object file (pch.obj). The former is used in each subsequent file using /Yu and the latter is linked at the end. This allows adding definitions in pch.cpp.

The scheme above does not link with pch.cpp because its object file is the precompiled header.

There are two possibilities here:
  1. Getting rid of the pch.obj in the root directory: This would be fine if you didn't need to link with pch.cpp at all. I can't find any way to do this. cl.exe has no way of saying: use this file to generate a precompiled header, but no object file. The /Yc flag is meant to generate the precompiled header in addition to the regular object file.

    You can however add a post-build step "cmd /c del pch.obj" which will delete the stray pch.obj from disk. This is something of a hack, but it works.

  2. Generate both the precompiled header and object file correctly and link with the object file: This is the behavior of Visual C++. To do this, the precompiled header needs to use a different extension, such as .pch, so it doesn't clash with the object file:
    1. Change /Fp in the project build options to generate "pch.pch" instead of "pch.obj".
    2. Recheck "Link file" in pch.cpp's properties and add "/Fo$object" back to the custom command.

    This way, you'll end up with both pch.pch and pch.obj in the output directory and pch.obj will be linked correctly. This is the typical Visual C++ behavior. However, you now have a file pch.pch of which C::B knows nothing about, because it was generated behind its back with /Yc. Therefore, cleaning the project will not delete that file.
I can't find any way of emulating Visual C++'s behavior exactly: if you generate both files, one of them won't be cleaned. If you don't specify /Fo, you can't link with pch.cpp and you end up with an unused object file in the root directory.

I could probably make this work if C::B had a place to specify additional files to clean, but there's not.]

[edit 14-sep-2011: typos]

Monday, March 28, 2011

Code::Blocks and visual c++ 2010 help system

I've recently been trying to move from Visual C++ to Code::Blocks for several of my projects. One issue I've had was to integrate the Visual C++ help system with the help plugin.

I couldn't make this work with Visual C++ 9.0 because dexplorer.exe does not seem to allow forcing a single instance. Something like:

"C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Help 9\dexplore.exe" /helpcol ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90 /LaunchFKeywordTopic $(keyword)

works, but always opens in a new window. Visual Studio starts dexplore.exe with -Embedding, but it looks like it's sending windows message afterwards, not relying on instances.

However, I found H3Viewer, a dexplorer-like viewer for the Visual C++ 2010 documentation. Setting the command line to:

"C:\Program Files\Helpware\H3Viewer\h3viewer.exe" "$(keyword)&format=html&PageSize=200&PageNumber=1"

works nicely. Unchecking "Open F1 Topics in a New Tab" in H3Viewer will always reuse the current tab instead of opening a new one.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Implementation details

A program is composed of building blocks, or layers. Ideally, each layer should be independent and communicate in a way that changes in a deeper layer do not affect a higher layer, unless the public interface, the facade, is modified. This is the basis for encapsulation: do not expose what does not need to be exposed.

As an example, take a function get_page(const uri&) that queries a web server using HTTP and returns the content of the page as a string. Whether get_page() uses raw sockets, libcurl or Boost.Asio should not affect the calling code, since the facade is the same: give me a URI and I'll give you back a string.

There are many ways of isolating layers so that implementation details are hidden. Some allow only a relink, while others force a recompile, although without requiring modifications to the calling code. Some are easier on maintenance, but are more complex to implement.

As with most things in programming, there is always a compromise to be made between development time and maintenance time. Experience will make the extent of this compromise easier to define, based on the nature of the program, time constraints, skill and managerial issues. While ignoring encapsulation may be just fine for small, quick-and-dirty programs, it is not for larger codebases. Remember also that what started as a small program can easily get out of hands if its scope gets larger with time. I've been bitten more than once by the "bah, 'tis just a small debug thing, oh darn now it needs a boatload of features, oh crap it needs to be ported to Linux, oh god help me now it's got to run in production."

Never assume that your "small debug thing" will stay that way. Always program as well as your time constraints allow.

The following examples are taken from a real project that pretty much went through these "oh crap" steps. Although it needed some refactoring several times, using some kind of encapsulation from the start helped me reduce the time needed for modifications.

The final version of this program takes a list of (x, y) points from an external source (such as a CSV file) and displays them on an OpenGL context. It needs to support basic graphical operations such as zooming and panning, as well as data modifications such as rotating and translating the points. It has to run on both Windows and QNX.

The examples will concentrate on the OpenGL part, because it can demonstrate the different methods of encapsulation:
  • Windows supports OpenGL 1.1 out of the box, while QNX only supports OpenGL ES 1.0, a subset of OpenGL.
  • The creation of the OpenGL context and user interface elements is different on both platforms.
  • OpenGL ES is messy to use and benefits from some sort of wrapping.
Because not everybody may be acquainted with OpenGL or QNX, the examples will not require any special knowledge. This is not a tutorial on using OpenGL and therefore the code using it will not be complete.

Monday, March 7, 2011

On the matter of exceptions

There was a post recently on the visual c++ blog about exceptions in which some of the comments were interesting. It eventually ended up being about four things:
  • Exceptions vs. return values
  • Throwing objects vs. throwing fundamental types
  • Exception hierarchies vs. embedding values
  • Lack of a finally construct

Exceptions vs. return values: a database lookup

[update 9-mar-2010, thanks to G: The following is a simplified example of a database query to illustrate the different error handling strategies. A real program would have to handle many more different types of errors. However, I consider them variations on the same theme: logic errors, runtime errors and exceptional paths.

Additionally, programming is a job like others and therefore has constraints that usually have a higher priority, such as a delivering date or existing coding standards. However, paying attention to error handling will make it easier in the long term to maintain a codebase.]

A function get_item() searches a database for the item corresponding to a given id. It may encounter three problems:
  1. the backend finds the SQL statement to be malformed;
  2. the backend reports an error during the query (such as a broken connection); or
  3. the item is not found in the database.
 These three errors are on three different levels:
  1. this is a logic error that is preventable. It is a result of a programming error;
  2. this is a runtime error that is not preventable. It is a result of the environment in which the program is running being in an bad state;
  3. this is a runtime error that may or may not be preventable, depending on the context.
Error handling for these errors mostly depends on the application (especially the third one), although they happen frequently enough so that we can make some assumptions.